A burglar, while breaking into a villa in Psychiko, witnesses a suicide that changes his life forever. The suicide is a wealthy man who looks astoundingly like him, and thus, the thief takes the place...
The film is a modern adaptation of the old myth: twelve-year old Chloe lives with her mother in a fishing village – with Giorgos, son of a fisherman, as her companion in play. Her mother tries to ma...
Elsa is a beautiful and prudent young woman, the daughter of a well-known building contractor named Karanikas. She is in love with Dimitris, a poor artist who resists the pressure from her father, who...
A farewell party at their Thessaloniki dorm presents six university students with an opportunity to take a look at what they have done so far and to dream of their future.
Petros, the son of the industrialist Tsamis, is in love with factory worker Martha, but their wedding is cancelled because of the strong opposition and scheming of his father. Martha’s mother dies; ...
A melodrama based on a theatrical play by the French playwright Alexandre Bisson, with the grand lady of the Greek theatre, Kyveli, as the leading actress – in her second and final appearance on fil...
A rough-spoken supervisor of a team of lumbermen, Vlasis, is having an affair with a poor girl, Fani, whom he avoids marrying. She gets angry and seeks comfort in the plain with rice-fields, at the hu...
A wealthy young man (Giorgos Moutsios) falls in love with a Gypsy girl named Mara (Katerina Chelmi). Their families object to the marriage, and confrontation cannot be avoided.